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Benefits of Dental Implants
Glenview, IL

Diagram of a tooth replaced with a dental implantDental implants are a great alternative to other types of dental restorations. Despite being a surgical procedure, they have many advantages that other procedures do not. For example, they are very versatile, look great, restore natural functioning, and promote good oral hygiene. We can give you more information on dental implants at Glen Perio.

Various Uses

Dental implants are simply used as structures for various types of dental restorations. For example, these support various types of dental bridges, so we do not need to cement them to your natural teeth. These can also provide support for crowns, which are individual false teeth.

We work with two different kinds of dental implants, depending on your specific jaw condition. So, there is a way for almost any patient to have dental implants as long as you are in good overall health. These include endosteal and subperiosteal implants. Endosteal dental implants go into your jawbone while subperiosteal dental implants are only placed in the gums and do not enter the jawbone.

In addition, the restorations that are compatible with dental implants can be either removable or permanent. Removable structures, for example, can simply clip to the implants and you can take them out at any point. Alternatively, if you do not want to worry about taking them out, you can have permanently fixed structures that are cemented to the implants.

Visual Appeal

Dental implants are hidden beneath the soft tissues of your mouth. The restorations very closely resemble natural teeth, so it is difficult to tell that they are false teeth. On the other hand, traditional restorations may include wireframes and dental cement which connect to your natural teeth.

Natural Function

Tooth loss causes a loss of functioning and difficulty in daily activities, such as speaking and eating. Dental implants give your mouth this structure and restore natural functioning. These feel like natural teeth as well. Not only does this make your daily life easier, but it will also boost your self-confidence.


Dental implants are made from titanium and they also have a long healing process. Though this may seem like a bad thing, it actually works in your favor. Because of the long healing process, they actually fuse with your bone. This makes them very sturdy and they are protected against general wear and tear. Other types of dental restorations do not have this protection. In addition, dental implants can withstand a very strong bite. They will generally last between ten and fifteen years.

Oral Hygiene

Dental implants also help with maintaining oral health. The structure they provide prevents your teeth from shifting out of place and the soft tissue from weakening. We also do not need to do any work on natural teeth in order to place implants.

Removable dental restorations that connect to implants are very easy to clean each day vs traditional dentures. Permanent structures can also be cleaned thoroughly by simply treating them as natural teeth. You are able to brush them with toothpaste and floss them very easily. For additional information on the benefits of dental implants, contact Glen Perio at 224-488-3392.

Glen Perio

2640 Patriot Blvd. Suite 140
Glenview, IL 60026
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Benefits of Dental Implants • Glenview, IL • Glen Perio
We can give you more information on dental implants at Glen Perio. Give us a call today, to learn more!
Glen Perio - Dr. Joshua Hassan, 2640 Patriot Blvd. Suite 140, Glenview, IL 60026; 224-488-3392;; 10/4/2024; Page Terms:dental implants Glenview IL;