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Who Is A Candidate?

Diagram of a single dental implantDental implants are a popular procedure in restoration dentistry. This is a surgical procedure, so it is not an available option for every patient. There are several characteristics that we must confirm before we can approve you for surgery. Dental implants are technically available at every age, though we generally only approve this surgery for individuals with fully developed bones. We must ensure that your jaw is able to support dental implants. At Glen Perio, we will provide more information on candidacy determination for the dental implant procedure.

Dental Health

Dental health is very important for this surgery. If you have any active infection, it must be treated before we perform the surgery. Implants can be provided for both single and multiple teeth, so the number of implants needed does not determine candidacy. Periodontitis often causes patients to lose teeth, though injuries can also cause tooth loss. Any of these conditions must be treated prior to surgery. This is because any present bacteria could get into the incision and cause further infection.

Overall Health

Dental health is just one determining factor, but you must also have good overall health. This is the case for any type of surgery, since there is always a risk for infection. For instance, if you are sick or have a compromised immune system, your risk of infection will increase. In addition, bacteria can spread into the bloodstream from your mouth, meaning the infection can transfer to other areas of your body. Your immune system needs to be healthy enough to fight bacteria prior to any type of surgery. We can give you more information about various health conditions that would be an issue for this surgery.

Additional Procedures Needed

As well as a health condition that can withstand bacteria, we must guarantee that your jawbone is strong enough to hold dental implants. Our periodontist will examine your mouth to check for any obvious issues. After that, they will provide dental x-rays to check the strength of your jaw. If you are unable to support regular (endosteal) implants in your jaw, we can provide subperiosteal dental implants instead. These are less preferable, but a good choice for people who do not have good jaw strength.

We can also provide ridge modification or sinus augmentation procedures to prepare your jaw for endosteal implants. Ridge modification is completed using a bone graft to increase the amount of bone tissue available. You may also be able to receive a bone graft for your lower jaw. Sinus augmentation, also called a sinus lift, is another way to increase the amount of bone tissue available.


We have a variety of other restoration options available if you are not a suitable candidate for this procedure. Dental implants are just used as an alternative to other dental restorations. For instance, if you have multiple teeth missing, you can get dentures or dental bridges that are fixed to adjacent teeth rather than dental implants. Single teeth (crowns) can also be cemented to the teeth beside it. For more information on dental implant candidacy, call Glen Perio at 224-488-3392.

Glen Perio

2640 Patriot Blvd. Suite 140
Glenview, IL 60026
Copyright © 2022-2024 Glen Perio - Dr. Joshua Hassan and WEO Media (Touchpoint Communications LLC). All rights reserved.  Sitemap
Glen Perio - Dr. Joshua Hassan, 2640 Patriot Blvd. Suite 140, Glenview, IL 60026 • 224-488-3392 • • 10/4/2024 • Related Terms: dental implants Glenview IL •