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Symptoms of Gum Disease
Glenview, IL

Woman brushing teeth in front of mirrorGum disease is an infection of the gums and, in advanced stages, the bones resulting from poor oral hygiene. In addition, substance use and smoking, genetic factors, and the presence of other diseases can increase your risk of developing gum disease. There are a set of symptoms that indicate gum disease in any stage and there are additional symptoms seen in later stages, specifically, as well. Early treatment is critical for long term success. We provide all necessary gum disease treatment at Glen Perio.

Gingivitis and Slight to Moderate Gum Disease

Gingivitis and the first two stages of gum disease look very similar, though symptoms will progress as the disease does. General symptoms include gum inflammation and bleeding, tenderness, and bad breath. In slight and moderate gum disease, you will also start to form pockets in the gums. This is a space where the gums will pull away from the teeth and bacteria will begin to build-up in the space. Pockets in slight gum disease are around four to five millimeters deep while moderate gum disease pockets are about six to seven millimeters deep.

Advanced Gum Disease

As gum disease advances, these symptoms will become much more noticeable. You will still have signs of infection, such as gum tenderness and inflammation, but these symptoms and others will become more severe. For example, bad breath will be a daily occurrence as will bleeding gums. In addition, the pockets in the gums will be deeper and start to ooze pus.

You will also notice changes in your oral structure during advanced gum disease. For example, as the disease progresses, your gums will begin to pull away from your teeth. This is what leads to the previously mentioned gum pockets, but it also causes your teeth to appear longer due to gumline recession. Not only does this affect the aesthetics of your smile, but it also changes how your teeth fit together as well. Without proper gum structure, your teeth will begin to shift. This causes issues with your bite and may also cause dental equipment (ex. mouthguard) to no longer fit as it once did. You will also notice spaces between your teeth as they start to pull away from each other.

In addition, advanced periodontitis causes bone loss. So, parts of your face may appear sunken in due to lost facial structure. You may need surgery to repair or replace this tissue as well as extractions of extensively damaged teeth.

Advanced gum disease can also cause infection to spread into your bloodstream and throughout other parts of your body as well. So, you may also notice other signs of infection or disease, such as a fever or pain in surrounding areas.

The Importance of Early Treatment

Treatment at the early stages of gum disease is vital to restoring your dental health. Gingivitis is reversible, but periodontitis in any stage is not. Once this disease progresses to slight periodontitis, you will need routine deep cleanings at our office. This includes scaling to remove plaque and tartar as well as root planing to smooth your teeth roots and encourage reattachment to the gums. For more information on gum disease symptoms, call Glen Perio at 224-488-3392 now.

Glen Perio

2640 Patriot Blvd. Suite 140
Glenview, IL 60026
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Symptoms of Gum Disease • Glenview, IL • Glen Perio
Early treatment is critical for long term success. We provide all necessary gum disease treatment at Glen Perio. Give us a call today!
Glen Perio - Dr. Joshua Hassan, 2640 Patriot Blvd. Suite 140, Glenview, IL 60026 ~ 224-488-3392 ~ ~ 10/4/2024 ~ Page Keywords: dental implants Glenview IL ~